The police force in Wulan, China, has introduced an extraordinary and distinctive anti-riot vehicle that bears a striking resemblance to the iconic car featured in the movie Prometheus. This remarkable development has captured the attention of many due to its uncanny resemblance to the supercar from the film.
In the science fiction blockbuster Prometheus, which starred Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace, a cutting-edge vehicle known as the RT-01 Transport played a pivotal role. Designed as a tactical transport for the Prometheus exploration team, this supercar was exclusively created by the renowned Weyland Company solely for the purpose of the film production, and it was never intended for public sale.
Surprisingly, a Twitter user named Tycho de Feijter recently shared photographs unveiling the inauguration of a Wulan police car designated for crowd control. The images showcased a vehicle that bears a striking resemblance to the iconic RT-01 Transport from Prometheus.
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However, this particular car, known as the Sanneng 8×8, differs from its cinematic counterpart. It possesses the capacity to accommodate eight police officers, each with specialized skills, and features a reinforced body that offers extensive bulletproofing.
Tycho de Feijter noted, “This vehicle is purportedly powered by an electric motor and incorporates a rooftop camera.”
Undeniably, the Wulan police car boasts an extraordinary and distinctive design that is particularly intimidating and imposing for a law enforcement vehicle.
It is worth noting that Wulan is situated in the Qinghai province of China, in close proximity to Tibet. Given the often tense relations between China and Tibet, it is suspected that this proximity plays a significant role in the decision of the Wulan police to equip themselves with formidable vehicles like the Sanneng 8×8.